Jakhalsdans, Jakkalsdans or Jakkelsdans?

We are Jakhalsdans in Loxton where the movie Jakhalsdans Movie was shot. (About the celebrated author Deon Meyer who lives here in Loxton).

We have had a few enquiries about the spelling of our name "Jakhalsdans Game Farm". Numerous of our guests have searched the internet for "Jakkelsdans" or "Jakkalsdans".

There is actually another Guesthouse in Sutherland names Jakkalsdans.

This is totally separate from us here at Jakhalsdans.

Our Game Farm and Guesthouse is situated 7km outside Loxton on the Beaufort-West Road. Please use the menu above to see all the wonderful activities we have for the whole family.

Jakhalsdans - The Movie.

Jakhalsdans the Movie

We have also often been asked if the 2010 movie 'Jakhalsdans' is about the farm. The movie was shot in Loxton, which is 5 minutes drive from the farm, and the climax of the film takes place on the farm.

We are proud to be associated with such a first rate South African movie. More information about the movie can be found on the website: www.jakhalsdansmovie.co.za